tow knee chavez

chainsaw comics presents: fear trailer
December 5th, 2011

our cover of the who’s boris the spider is the background music for the trailer for the new chainsaw comics anthology.

also, we have a comic in the book! this is the first 100% tow knee chavez comic, with dr. stryker and the nemesis each contributing to the art and writing. you can buy the book on etsy or amazon, and you can still listen to or download the full version of the song here.

the ballad of yfb en print
August 19th, 2010

the nemesis’ first graphic novel, based on our upcoming album, is now available to own in real life book form! the book has added gray tones to give it more depth than the online version. it also contains the full ballad of yfb story, plus extras like bonus comics and fan art!

all for ten bucks!

the first 20 copies are signed and numbered, so order it today!

the ballad of yfb
March 17th, 2009

now that our run of the prospiscience supplement, anamnesis is complete, we’re diving into a new story about a friend of our’s band, yfb. volume one, page one is up now on yfb is in the studio now, so be looking for some new music from them coming soon.

new pages will be posted every monday, wednesday, and friday.

January 20th, 2009 is now live and updating monday, wednesday, and friday.  we’re starting off with the suppliment to prospiscience, anamnesis, so everyone can learn about the story behind the music!

subscribe to the comics rss, so you don’t miss an update!

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